Spotify Playlist Promotion

The Basics: Getting started with helps musicians to get their music heard by presenting their works to hundreds of playlist curators using Spotify Playlist Promotion.

To apply for a campaign, you will need to submit your song for a review.

If you completed the application process but are unsure if we received your submission, there are some steps that you can take to confirm that it reached us.

Check your email, making certain to check your spam and junk folders. We send an email to confirm that we have received artists’ submissions. You should find an email from

If you are unable to find the email from us, send us a message at We will check for your submission and confirm whether we have received it.

We are responsive and easy to reach by email.

Yes, we would be happy to call you. Provide your phone number, time zone and the time you would like us to call.

Take a look at our FAQ section if you need to find a quick answer to your questions.

No, we must first listen to your song to make sure we can provide you with the results you deserve.

Please submit your song here.

For the best results possible, we place your music on playlists that match your genre. This gets your music to your target audience. We place hip-hop songs, for example, on hip-hop and related playlists to give our clients the most for their investment.

Every playlist has at least 1,000 followers. The biggest playlist in our database has over 6mio followers. has a database of more than 3,000 playlists, and we pride ourselves on our promotional strength. We keep an open line of communication with all of our curators and guarantee placements on playlists for our clients.

We place our customers on entirely organic playlists. Since we have been actively doing Spotify Playlist Promotion since 2015, we work with many playlists that were created at a time when there were no bots. We use various tools to analyze newer playlists for bots to avoid them.

Since we only work with active playlists, our promotion campaigns also result in saves, streams, and new followers.

To get the song URL link on Spotify, you will need to use the desktop app on your laptop or desktop computer. You are not able to get the URI link from the Spotify mobile app.

To find your Spotify URI link on your desktop, find your song in the Spotify app. To the right of your song, you will see three small dots. Click on the dots, click share, and click copy to get your song link.

What to expect with campaigns and how they work

The length of your campaign will depend on the promotional package that you choose. Campaigns typically last for 2 months. Curators keep your music on their playlists for at least 1 month, on average for 2 months.

After your song is accepted, you will choose your Spotify promotions package to set up your campaign. During the launch of your campaign, we will send your song to the group of playlist curators we have identified. The curators who will receive your song will include those who are in the genres that you choose when you are setting up your campaign.

Once the playlist curators receive your song, they will have the choice to review it within three weeks. This allows them to decide whether they want to add your music to their playlists.

If a curator likes your song, he will place it on his playlist. Once your initial two-months Spotify promotion campaign ends, some curators might choose to leave your music on their playlists for more time. Others might choose to remove it. The curators decide how long to leave songs on their playlists.

When your campaign is finished, will send you a detailed report with all playlist placements.

If you are ready to apply, submit your information on

Curators are allowed to keep your song on their playlists as long as they like. Depending on the Spotify promotion package that you choose, guarantees placement for one month. However, on average, your song will stay for 2 months. In some cases, curators keep our clients’ songs on their playlists for several months or years. Each curator has control over how long to keep any song on his or her playlist.

A curator’s decision about how long to retain a song on a playlist is entirely up to him or her. Some of the factors that might influence this decision include the fit of your song to the playlist, the frequency of their updates, and whether they try to limit their playlists to a specific number of songs. Each playlist curator is different. Some curators leave songs on their playlists for long periods while others replace songs to refresh their playlists more frequently.

If we accept your song, we guarantee that it will be placed on playlists. Since we only work with active playlists, our promotion campaigns also result in saves, streams, and new followers.

Multiple factors affect the number of streams a song might receive, including the Spotify promotions package that you choose, the quality of your song, and others. has helped more than 4,000 independent artists reach more than 150 million listeners to date. Your results may vary, depending on several different variables. Some of the common factors that determine the number of streams generated by a campaign include the following:

  • The quality of your song
  • The Spotify promotions package that you choose
  • Choosing genres that fit your song
  • The curator who selects your song and the listeners’ activities
  • The length of time that a curator keeps your song on his or her playlist

Just because a playlist has a large number of followers, that does not mean that your song will receive the same number of streams. For example, you should not expect to generate 40,000 listeners simply because a playlist has 40,000 followers. On average, playlists average around 5 to 10% of active listeners. If your song is placed on a playlist with 40,000 followers, the playlist will have 2,000-4,000 active listeners during one month.

Two of the most important factors are the quality of your song and the particular Spotify promotions package that you choose.

Once we approve your song, we will send you a link to our store page. You can review the different packages that we offer and choose one that offers you the estimated number of playlists that you desire. The bigger the promotion package, the more placements you will get.

Your song’s position on a playlist is important. The higher your song appears on a playlist, the likelier it is that it will be heard. This is because people begin to turn away from a playlist after a certain period has passed. For example, if your song is selected for an exercise program playlist, the listeners will likely start turning away fairly early. If your song is selected for inclusion on a playlist for relaxing music, the listeners might listen to a larger number of songs.

For example, if your song is added to a curator’s playlist with 40,000 followers with a 10% activity level, the playlist will enjoy approximately 4,000 active listeners in a month. If your song is kept on the playlist for the entire month and is placed in the number one position, you will receive 4,000 listens. If the curator keeps your song in the number one position for two months, your song will receive around 8,000 listens.

Like your song’s position on a playlist, the length of time that the curator keeps your song on the playlist is likewise important. A curator who loves your music might place your song higher on the playlist and keep it there for a longer period.

The goal of is to secure the most favorable results for our clients. We try to place our clients’ songs somewhere between the top 10 and the top 30. As a curator can adds new songs higher than yours on a playlist, you might expect your song to move down in position.

After we receive your payment, we give you the first round of Spotify playlist placements within four to seven business days. Since this is an organic music promotion, some curators take longer than others to place music.

While some artists choose their strongest tracks to promote with campaigns on, we allow artists to promote complete albums and EPs.

If you want to promote a complete album, send us an email with all of the details. We allow artists to run multiple campaigns to promote all of the songs that they would like to promote.

You can also divide a Spotify promotion package to include several songs. If you do this, we advise against dividing up our smallest package of 100,000 follower reach. You get the best results once each song gains at least 100,000 combined follower placements, which helps you appear on the Spotify Discover Weekly and Release Radar. If that happens, you will receive many additional placements and streams at no additional cost.

You do not have to wait for your song to be released before purchasing a Spotify promotions package. You can buy a package for an upcoming song. It is fine to submit your song before its release as a SoundCloud link or an MP3. This allows us to prepare the placements of your song in advance, enabling us to complete them more quickly.

Yes, you can upgrade your Spotify promotion campaign at any time. Please contact us via email or here

No, Spotify is a global service with listeners from all backgrounds and locations, so users around the world have access to all playlists.

After your campaign ends, we will send you a detailed campaign report in PDF format. It will include the names of the playlists that featured your song, the number of followers, and links to the playlists where your song appeared.

Yes, an artist once submitted an experimental song and purchased the largest Spotify playlist promotion campaign we offer. While we couldn’t fulfill the promised number of placements, we refunded the artist for the missing placements.

Live Campaigns

After you have scheduled your Spotify promotion campaign, you will not be able to change your genre selections. This makes it important for you to be completely certain of the genres that you select during the scheduling process.

To target different musical genres, you will need to run a new campaign to target them and resend your song accordingly.

After we have started your Spotify promotion campaign, you cannot change your song. If you would like to promote a different song, apply for a new campaign with the new song.

These numbers are in your back pocket, and are key to understanding how listeners are finding and responding to your music.

Independent artists now have access to more information about their listeners than ever before. Harnessing this info, the Spotify for Artists app ( puts a bounty of listener data at your fingertips: Who is listening? Where are they located? What else do they like?

Understanding this data is valuable for all parts of the business of making music. It can help you figure out where to tour, how to market yourself, what tracks to focus on, who to collaborate with, and potentially discover new audiences that you can develop. An artist with a solid grasp of their data can turn music-industry games of guessing and chance into a focused operation.

Curator & Playlist Info

If you have Admin access to a profile in Spotify for Artists, you can invite us as team member to be able to see your analytics.

  1. Log in to the Spotify for Artists web page.
  2. Click that little arrow next your name. That will bring down a menu, and you’ll see “Manage Team.” That will bring you to a page where you can put in email addresses and start inviting us.
  3. To invite us, add our email adress: and choose the level “View Access”.
  4. Click SEND INVITE.

Note: It’s not possible to add team members on the Spotify for Artists mobile app.

Yes, can collaborate with official/editorial Spotify playlists.

We maintain direct contacts with Spotify and can secure playlist placements on editorial playlists. However, these placements are only feasible with packages exceeding a 500k follower reach, as most editorial playlists have a substantial following.

If you are interested in such placements, please contact us via email.

Alternatively, if your song has a high popularity score (including numerous streams, playlist placements, saves, private playlist placements, and a low skip rate), it may also be automatically considered for inclusion on an editorial playlist.

We can not tell you any names of the playlists where we will place your music before you buy the Spotify promotion package. This is simply because we have over 3,000 playlists in our database from all kinds of genres. We will plan your playlist placements as soon as we have received your payment as every song has a specific market/genre or goal.

We are not able to do a playlist plan before we receive your payment because this requires a large amount of work; and unfortunately, there are some who may not ultimately be able to pay or move forward with the campaign. Because the work is so time-consuming, it would not be economical for our business if we completed work before being paid.

When your song is added to a playlist during your campaign, you will be sent the name and link of the playlist that added your song.

Yes, you can submit a playlist if it has at least 1,000 followers. Submit your Spotify playlist here: has a terrific referral program. You will be paid 10% of the campaign purchase price for each person you refer to us who purchases a promotions package. To sign up for the referral program, send an email to

When an artist you refer runs his or her first campaign, your referral commission will be processed within 48 hours after the start date of his or her campaign.

No, we do not allow artists to directly contact curators as a part of our privacy policy. While we know that some artists prefer to directly contact curators, the privacy agreement that we have with our curators does not allow us to share our curators’ contact details.

Your song will be sent to the targeted curators on your list with the first two days of your promotional campaign. Each curator will receive a link to your song on Spotify.

Currently, we work with more than 800 active playlist curators with a reach of more than 20 million listeners. New curators join our network every day.

The performance of individual playlists varies, and many factors influence the active listeners. If you are unhappy with the performance of the playlists on which your song is added, feel free to contact us. When you do, please invite our Spotify account to your insights on Spotify at

You can also send a screenshot of the placements of your song in the playlists from inside of your Spotify insights account. If you choose to send screenshots, make sure that they include the number of listeners and streams from the last 24 hours, seven days, and one month.

Billing & Costs

It costs nothing to apply to If we accept your song, you will then need to pay for your campaign. The cost will depend on the Spotify promotions package that you choose.

The price of your campaign will depend on the Spotify promotion packages that you choose. Our prices depend on the number of playlists that you will be targeting with your campaign. When you choose a larger promotional package, you will receive more placements on playlists.

Depending on the size of the package that you choose, our prices range from $350 up to $2,500. accepts the following types of payments:

  • All major credit cards with Stripe
  • Crypto (BTC, ETH and more)

For our European Union clients, we also accept direct bank transfers.

We don’t offer payment plans at this time.

You are not allowed to use a discount code to get an upgraded campaign. Our upgrades are already reduced. offers a 100% refund for all Spotify promotion packages when a client does not receive the total number of follower-reach playlist placements. Since you cannot change your genres or songs after you have scheduled and paid for your campaign, you need to be completely certain of your song choice and your genres. We do not offer refunds / money back guarantee of campaigns simply because an artist chose the wrong song or genres.

Radio Promotion

Basics: Radio Promotion

We recommend only submitting songs that are from the current year or no older than six months. Radio stations prefer to play new songs.

Yes, as long as the A&R department approves your song, you can use our radio promotion service.

Typically we will let you know if you’re eligible to use our service in one-three business days. Sometimes it takes longer and can take up to five business days. Having a completed profile speeds up the process.

No, we have a reputation for plugging songs that will have good airplay. Radio stations expect good songs from us. Because of this, our A&R department has to approve the music first before you can use our radio promotion service.

Pluggin (Radio Promotion)

Yes, you can use both services simultaneously. That is not a problem.

We only focus on genres. We do not concentrate on plugging songs to specific areas.

Yes. It does not matter if your song has expletives in it.

We will send your song to the radio stations for 8 weeks.

Radio Stations

We can not send you our list of radio stations where we will place your music before you buy the promotion package. This is simply because we have over 40,000 stations in our database from all kinds of genres. We will plan your radio promotion campaign as soon as we have received your payment as every song has a specific market/genre or goal.

We are not able to do a radio station plan before we receive your payment because this requires a large amount of work; and unfortunately, there are some who may not ultimately be able to pay or move forward with the campaign. Because the work is so time-consuming, it would not be economical for our business if we completed work before being paid.

When your song is added to the stations during your campaign, you will be sent the name of the station that added your song.

On our website, you’ll find 2 case studies which include 2 airplay reports


You can download the airplay reports to get a glimpse of some of our stations.

Our campaigns are global. Usually, we do get airplay on US stations in each campaign, but they are not necessarily the major ones. We are not targeting any specific country or region.

We can’t tell how many listeners are tuning into each station. We don’t have access to such data. We only know about stations playing the songs we submit based on their confirmation of programming or based on airplay tracking services.

Yes, if you are a writer or publisher you will be paid by the organization (like BMI, ASCAP, BUMA, GEMA, SABAM, …) that you are associated with.

Yes, you will be paid by the organization that you are affiliated with. Writers and publishers receive royalties. The radio station pays to a PRO for a broadcasting license and then the PRO pays the writers and publishers.

When a song is played, you can see the radio station that played the song and the country that the radio station is located in, in the weekly PDF report.

It’s hard to tell. There are a lot of factors that go into how many stations will play your music. Does your song sound commercial? Is the sound of your song what’s popular right now? Do you have a big fanbase? Have you had a hit song before? How much did you market the song beforehand? Etc, etc. There are a lot of different variables that determine this answer.

We do not give out our list of radio stations. However, when a radio station plays your song, you can see which radio station played it and see which country the radio station is located in. The reports are updated each week.

Our campaigns target stations from all kinds, terrestrial, online, major, independent, college, and local. So in our campaigns, we usually get a bit of everything.

Costs (Radio Promotion)

We accept a large variety of payment methods. Some of our payment methods include credit cards, crypto, local bank transfers, and more.

No, there are not any additional costs. The only time a price might be more than advertised is if you’re paying with a different currency. Depending on what the exchange rate is at the time, depends on how much it will be. We do have a payment calculator that will calculate how much you will have to pay.

No, you do not have to pay beforehand. We only require payment once your plug has been approved by the A&R department.